Past Issue


Volume 03 Issue 03, 2019 (September)

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No. Author(s) Title Pages Download

Qingyuian Lin

Bin Yang

Lintao Wang

Xianlian Zhang

Wei Sun

Qingchao Sun

Study on Anti-loosening Performance of D-shaped Bolt of Aero-engine 120~133  PDF

Qingyu Zhu

Jintong Han

Shuo Han

Yunpeng Ren

Hui Li

Development of Test System for Dynamic Balancing Machine Based on LabVIEW 134~145  PDF

Binbin Hao

Qingpeng Han

Jingqi Zhang

Technological Analysis on Vibration Measurement Method of Turbine Blades by Eddy Current Sensor Made from Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics 146~154  PDF

Cunjian Zou

Kai Chen

Qingyu Zhu

Wei Zhang

Dynamic Balance Test of Elastic Support Rotor System Considering the Influence of Bolt Connection 155~164  PDF