Author Guideline

Although we have a final formatting for each accepted paper, it's your responsibility to follow a rigirous dicipline to prepare your manuscript, which would ensure the best chance of its acceptance. Please follow the author template shown below to prepare your manuscript. Note that no matter which document processor (MS-Word, LaTex or any other) you're using, at your first submission, please covert your manuscript to a PDF version with all figures, tables and equations properly placed in. Once your manuscript is accpeted, you will be informed to submit a MS-word version of your manuscript for final formatting.
Click here to download IJSE Author Template
Currently, all manuscripts should be directly sent to the following Email address. If the attachment of the submission is larger than 20MB, it could be rejected by our host server. In this case, please let us know and we will provide you other measure to upload the file. Upon the receiving of your submission, we will communicate with you frequently through email to finish the subsequent steps of peer-review, correction, proof-reading, payment and final publication.
Publication Ethics
It's authors' resposibility to ensure that the submitted manuscript (or part of them) to IJSE is the orginal work of their own, have never been published or are under consideration for publication elsewhere. If authors use their own or other researchers' previously published work, or their own previous work while under reveiw elsewhere for publication, they're required to cite those work in the current one and clearly indicate what innovations of the current one contribute beyond the previous one. In case authors discover a significant error in the preious work that has been published by IJSE, they should immediately nofity the editor to make a correction or retract.